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Characters and Castes

The characters in "Never Ever After" are divided among five different castes. None is more or less than the other, but they seem to share the same fate and have a lot of similarities in identity, behavior, and/or looks. Frederick Crow broke heavily with stereotypes of the fairy tale characters but always kept part of their core in his stories. Therefore, certain aspects of what a human expects of the concept of a character stay true to what his readers were used to, and others are totally broken. It is up to you, the player, to decide what you like to keep and what you like to change to the stereotype of your character. Things in Frederick Crow's stories are never as black and white as the old fairy tales. This made his stories immensely popular. Within his mind, all his characters lead their own lives, and after a while, five castes started to rise over the course of time. They all have their pros and cons, and their perks and flaws. Over time, these castes have been close friends, fierce enemies, and there has been all-out war in the past as well. But as things go in stories, an end is merely a new beginning for a new tale. And thus, the characters in the Fairy Tales of Frederick Crow dance an eternal existence in the fantasy land that is his mind, a land that always seemed endless in size and opportunities.


Royalty are members of royal fairytale blood. In many fairy tales, they are the main characters. However, Frederick Crow has broken many stereotypes, especially in this caste of characters. Princesses can have a vicious streak, princes can be selfish and manipulative, and sometimes in Crow’s stories, these characters simply are not the main character but are simply used to create a base of the story and setting. However, they are quite often the base of many stories and mostly consider themselves as the Royalty amongst fairy tale characters. This is to the disdain of many from the other castes who often consider them arrogant and selfish.

Playable characters in this Caste: 


  • Prince

  • Princess

  • King

  • Queen

  • Knight

  • Orphaned Hero

  • Chosen One

Fantastic Creatures

Fantastic creatures are based on creatures that do not exist in our human world. They have been used for centuries in heraldry and tales, but they never truly existed. In many classic stories, either as mounts, monsters, or side characters, Frederick Crow wrote extensively about their nature, character, and personal stories, making them more than just mounts, heraldry signs, or monster characters. Because of this, they believe their caste is the most progressive and noteworthy in Frederick Crow’s stories. Other castes see them as wannabes: Crow may have broken their use as side characters, but they will never achieve the glamour that royalty has received in the past. Yet, they are a proud and regal caste.

Playable characters in this Caste: 


  • Dragon

  • Unicorn

  • Fairy

  • Faun

  • Elf

  • Shortfolk 

  • Genie

Fabled animals

Animals from fables have existed for thousands of years. Fables are typically used to give animals human features and to stereotype, ridicule, or explain the nature of certain positions in the human world (anthropomorphism). They are always known as animals that exist in the human world. Of all casts, Frederick Crow kept these the closest to their old nature. The fox is devious and smart, the wolf cunning and alluring, and the bear strong but slow. Many other castes, therefore, consider them the least loved characters of Crow, but they are proud of their heritage and wear their stereotypes as a badge of honor and a distraction from their true potential.

Playable characters in this Caste: 


  • Wolf

  • Bear

  • Fox

  • Lion

  • Rabbit

  • Owl

  • Cat

The Misunderstood

The misunderstood Frederick Crow named them. Not ‘bad guys’ or ‘evil doers’. They have their motives for what they do, and it is not simply because they do not have a heart or have an evil nature. Many stories of Crow portrayed another side of these "bad guys," and their reputation in the real world has greatly changed over the past decade with Crow’s stories. They can be good, they can be beautiful, yet their transgressions are not always understood by the other fairy tale figures, and according to them, they will always revert to treacherous behavior and therefore never be fully trusted. Many of them live an unchosen solitary life or live together with other Misunderstoods. However, without them, what would fairy tales be? So, although shunned, they are never excluded.

Playable characters in this Caste: 


  • Witch

  • Greenskin

  • Black Knight

  • Stepmother

  • Vampire

  • Rival

  • Devil

The Guild of Friends

Everybody needs a friend, a helping hand, or some good advice once in a while. The Guild of Friends consists of such characters. They always seem eager to help and have a positive demeanor. However, Frederick Crow also showed their shadowy side, where they can manipulate or sometimes give wrong advice for personal benefit. Nothing is black or white in Crow’s universe, and this is no exception. The Guild of Friends, however, is never far, and when you need them (and sometimes even when you don't), they are there with sound advice or help... or a slight push in the ‘right’ direction. The Misunderstood always point to them as the real bad guys in every story; however, the Guild of Friends’ reputation never seems to diminish.

Playable characters in this Caste: 


  • Godparent

  • Hunter

  • Assistent

  • Wizard

  • Shapeshifter

  • Mystic

  • Angel

  • Facebook

©2024 door Martijn Kruining for Never Ever After LARP.

A Project of VZW Oneiros

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