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Themes explained

We will cut into some heavy themes during this larp. Neverending fairy tale figures will suddenly be confronted with their end and may panic, resist, get depressed. This is normal. 
When one is confronted with loss, there are 5 stages one has to go through. 

The 5 stages of mourning

During the 3 acts of this larp we will go to through the 5 stages of mourning:

  • Denial: Initially, individuals may refuse to accept the reality of the loss.

  • Anger: Following denial, there may be feelings of frustration and anger, often directed towards oneself, others, or the situation.

  • Bargaining: Individuals may attempt to negotiate or bargain in an effort to avoid or postpone the grief-inducing reality.

  • Depression: As the reality of the loss sets in, feelings of sadness, loneliness, and despair may prevail.

  • Acceptance: Ultimately, individuals come to terms with the loss, finding a way to integrate it into their lives and move forward.

Denial will be handled in the act I. Anger and bargaining in the act II and depression and/or acceptance in the act III. 

Every player is free to move through these stages with their character as they see fit. Some will move through them quite logically while others will get stuck on anger or even denial.

How Dementia is portrayed

Dementia is a term used to describe various symptoms. Since we don't assume that everyone possesses all the knowledge about dementia, we have chosen to specify what we mean by it here. Dementia is the decline of cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior. These are the elements you will encounter in the LARP.


If dementia is taking hold of something or someone before they are lost, it/they will first lose their color. Objects might be full and vibrant with color at first and later replaced with a black/white/grey version to show the dementia is having an effect on its surroundings. 

Other Triggers in this event

Besides the above there might triggers based on character based level. Not all characters are confronted with this, but it may play out near you: 

*Toxic and abusive relationships

*Physical, verbal or mental abuse

*Discrimination (based on character castes)


*Self Harm

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©2024 door Martijn Kruining for Never Ever After LARP.

A Project of VZW Oneiros

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