How to reach us
You can reach us through our facebook page with our latest information and to join the hypetrain.
You can also send us a mail at:
The team of: Never Ever After
Who are we ?

Project and Creative lead
Freelance Manager
Design lead, all things IT and social media. Most of the public communication.

Design and character writing
Professional in mental healthcare
Takes care of design, character writing and player healthcare.

Production lead & player care
Professional in mental healthcare
Susanne focusses on communication, finances and overall production. She is also our safety person.

Propmeister / Producer
Safety inspector
Overal creative mastermind who can make a prop out of every crazy idea. His never-ending energy is a blessing in each team
People who we like to thank from the bottom of our heart.
Maria Pettersson - for always being able to give her advice and sharing her experience.
Bjarke Pedersen - for being a creative sparring partner when we need one.
Katrine Wind - her designs are a great inspiration.
Kai Simon Frederiksen - For his countless of hours of documenting our events on camera